You don’t need to solve my problems or have all the answers. Just sit with me and support me while I figure out my next…

I am on hold with agencies and companies that have too many calls and not enough people answering them. I have problems that people have…

I breathe. The stress is temporary. I breathe. The problems are temporary. I breathe. The pain is temporary. I breathe.

I am not my problems. I may have depression, lupus, anxiety, or anything else, and that does not define me. Everyone has to deal with…

I have my problems, just like everyone else. Some can be easily seen by others; some are not so easy to recognize. I try not…

I am grateful for so much in my life: the air that I breathe, the clean water that runs from my taps, a roof over…

I am part of the solution, not part of the problem. I am open to honest discussions and differences of opinion.

To fix a problem, first you have to be aware that there is a problem. Awareness always comes first. Pay attention!