As soon as I try to sleep, my brain starts the “what if…” game. You know the one: What if I make a fool of…

My path is my own, but, if our paths join for a bit, I welcome your company while we travel in the same direction.

Find the people who support you through whatever you are going through. Find the people who are happy for you when you are happy. Find…

It may take a while to finish what you start. If you start today, it may take 4 years. If you start in a month,…

Do a check in with yourself. We are at the end of January. How are you doing? Are you making progress toward your goals? Remember,…

I am facing some unknowns in the near future. I admit that I am a little fearful for what is to come. But nothing is…

Your ability to do something doesn’t mean that it should be done. Think before you act. Is this needed? Is this the right time? Is…

You can’t always choose what happens; you can always choose how you react to what happens. Choose wisely!

My wish for you is peace : peace in your heart, peace in your soul, peace in your life.