As soon as I try to sleep, my brain starts the “what if…” game. You know the one: What if I make a fool of…

I win. I lose. I get it right. I get it wrong. I make mistakes. I apologize. I am human.

There is not always an obvious right answer. Sometimes you have to gather all the information you can, consult the experts, check your intuition, and…

I used to be concerned that I wasn’t doing it right. Now I realize what is important is I AM DOING IT!

If you know it’s right, do it; if you know it’s wrong, don’t do it. Stay true to yourself.

I can love something, and also hate it. Something can seem right under some circumstances, and wrong in others. Life can be messy, it’s not…

It is important to remember both things: you are not always right, and you are not always wrong. Learn to look at a situation with…