When it is hard to find gratitude, start with the small things. Nothing is too small to be grateful for: a cup of coffee, 5…

Do all you can, even if it doesn’t seem like a lot. Most people can’t do big things, but lots of people can do small…

You don’t have to do anything huge to make a difference in someone’s life. Yes, it’s great if you can give someone a million dollars…

I am especially grateful for the small things, for it’s the small things, taken together, that make the big things.

It is the small things that we take for granted, and that we miss the most when we can no longer do them. There are…

Pay attention. The Universe wants you to. The Universe NEEDS you to. It’s the small things that lead to the big things; by the time…

Wake up every morning with gratitude in your thoughts. Even when life is hard (which can be often), you can always find things to be…

We can’t do everything, but we can do something. We can’t fix it all, but we can fix some things. And that’s what we are…