Celebrate all the wins. It doesn’t matter if the win is big or small, it deserves to be celebrated. What is a small win to…

You don’t have to make yourself small; take up as much space as you need. Be the whole, real you. You deserve to be here.

Celebrate all of your wins. The small wins are as worthy of celebration as the large wins.

The small steps you take can be just as important as the huge leaps. You may get there faster with huge leaps, but faster isn’t…

Miracles aren’t always huge events; sometimes they are as small as a baby laughing. Watch for the miracles all around!

I make the small changes I can, knowing that many small changes made by lots of people will turn into big changes.

Don’t get trapped in the belief that only grand gestures and large changes can affect your life. Small changes can make a big difference.