I will not compare my healing journey to anyone else’s journey. Other people may heal faster or slower than I and that is okay. Each…

I am authentic. I don’t want to spend my time and energy trying to make people think I am something I am not. What you…

You don’t get over your feelings, you work through them. You sit with them, let them wash over you, get familiar with them, accept them,…

It takes time to heal. It doesn’t always happen in a straight line and it doesn’t always happen fast. Don’t rush it; don’t let anyone…

I take the time and energy I need to heal. It’s not always pretty, but it is essential.

I know life will eventually get better and I won’t feel this bad, but please give me the time and space I need to get…

Take the time and energy you need to heal. It won’t be fast, but it will be worth it.