Daily Bliss #20130331

What floats your boat? What makes you feel alive and loved? What makes you feel needed? Whatever it is, go out and do it. If you can’t make a living doing it, then find another way to fit it into your life. Do it in an official capacity, or just go around your town spreading the love in your own unique way.

It doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking, though it can be. If you have a lot of money, or a talent for fundraising, then go ahead and start that foundation.  And if that isn’t your style, don’t write yourself off. There is a huge need in this world for the single act of kindness, and the pay-it-forward mentality. Hold a door open for someone, volunteer at a soup kitchen, pay for someone’s coffee, smile at someone. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture.

One of the things I learned from volunteering is that it really doesn’t matter what you do, it just matters that you show up. And if you show up in all aspects of your life, doing things you enjoy and helping others, you will live a rich life.

Daily Bliss #20130331