Daily Bliss #20130726
The fact that things have always been a certain way does not mean that they always have to stay that way. This applies to many things, from your morning routine to your relationships. Challenge your assumptions. Assuming that something is true may indeed make it true for you. Do you assume that you can’t find time to write? Maybe you can’t find 3 hours to sit and write, but maybe you can eke out 30 minutes here and there (when the kids are napping? on your lunch hour?) to put pen to paper. Do you assume that since your relationship with someone has not been great for a decade that it can’t be better? Reach out in small ways and see if things change. Do you assume that your always-chaotic mornings can never change? Try doing something differently and see if it makes a difference. Do you assume you can’t dance? Try taking a lesson and seeing if the issue is that you don’t know how, not that you can’t.
I am not promising that everything will change, I am just saying that if you don’t challenge the assumption that it can’t, it won’t.