Daily Bliss #20140319
How do you feel about making decisions? If you’re like most people, some are probably easy and require little thought, while others may feel so big and heavy that making a choice feels like an Olympic event. While we never claim to have the answers, it is our hope that this series of bliss will cause you to pause and consider your process and maybe even give you a helpful way to think about things. Please feel free to weigh in; we love comments.
Does a decision ever seem so tough that you get almost paralyzed trying to make it? Do you feel like there is so much to consider and so much to know before you make it? At times like these, consult the experts, read the literature, and do everything you can to be sure you know as much as you can. And then remember a couple things: no one knows it all, and the experts may be the experts, but in the end, it is your life and your responsibility; you make the best decision with the information you have, and you move on. You cannot beat yourself up over information that wasn’t available to you at the time the decision had to be made.