Concentrate on the good, not the bad. Put your attention on what you have, not what you don’t have. Acknowledge the reality of your life…

I welcome the New Year. Good things will happen; bad things will happen. I will learn from it all. I will pay attention and be…

There is so much crying out for your attention right now; remember that you are also important.

There are so many things wanting my attention right now: so many things calling “I am the most important thing.” Since I get to choose,…

Kudos to all who pay attention: to their family, to their friends, to children, to what is going on in the world.

It is okay to be sad sometimes. Even people who look to be happy and strong are sometimes depressed. Don’t assume your friends are either…

When you are with someone, really be with them. Put your phone away, stop thinking about everything else you have to do and that fight…

There are many things in this world to be sad and upset about; there are also many things to be joyous and pleased about. Put…