We can do only what we can do. We may not be able to help everyone, but that should not stop us from helping whoever…

I take life one thing at a time: one breath, one step, one moment, one task, one day.

One day at a time. One step at a time. One thought at a time. It’s how I get through life.

I know what is right, and I will continue to fight for what is right, for as long as I can. Sometimes it feels overwhelming;…

I am one with the stars and the moon and the sun. I am one with everyone on this planet. I am one with the…

One tiny voice speaking up is what it takes to start a movement. First one tiny voice speaks up, and soon another tiny voice agrees…

Do whatever small good you can do, whenever you can do it. Most of us can touch only one person at a time, and that…

You don’t have to live with the way things are – you can change them. They may not change easily, or quickly, but they can…