Don’t let the fact that you can’t do something perfectly stop you from doing it. You aren’t an opera singer? Sing anyway. You aren’t an…
Show up now, in all your unhealed, work-in-progress glory. You don’t have to wait until everything in your life is perfect; perfection is a goal…
I am not perfect, not do I expect to reach perfection. I try my best at all times, and that is enough.
I do not allow striving for perfection to negate good enough. Perfection is great, but I do not usually reach it. I continue to strive…
Perfection does not equal beauty. What we consider our flaws may be the very things that make us beautiful to others.
All or nothing. It really did sneak up on me. It is not my preferred way of thinking, but I recently realized that I have…
I go into 2018 with a great attitude, ready to face whatever comes my way. I strive for perfection, knowing that I will not reach…
Live your life now. Don’t wait for that day when you reach perfection – that day is never going to come. So don’t wait until…