Daily Bliss #20130908

Even though I no longer have any ties to a school year, I still feel like this is a good time of year to clean things out and get ready for the seasons to come. Spring cleaning may be the traditional thing to do, but there is something about going into the fall and winter seasons with my house in order that appeals to me. Maybe it’s because this seems like the last free time for a while before the holiday season starts up; maybe it’s a left-over feeling from when I had a kid in school. Regardless, there are still a couple of closets and rooms I hope to get to in the next couple weeks.

It also feels like a good time to let go of things that no longer serve me – spiritual as well as physical. It’s time to let go of some of the old hurts and confusions, so that I can move forward with more space for the things I want: hope, love, and compassion, to name a few.

How about you, do you have any traditions that help you get into the next seasons? We’d love to hear about them.

Daily Bliss #20130908