Don’t waste your time on regrets. If you wish you had done something differenlty in the past, do it differently today. The past is done…

It is almost the end of the year, and it is time for me to decide what I want to carry into 2020, and what…

You can do what you know you need to do now; you can do it later; you can never do it. Here are the estimated…

At the end of this year I release any and all bad feelings that I am hanging onto. I forgive myself for any times I…

Start where you are now. You really can’t start anywhere else. You can “if only” yourself to death – you know – “if only I…

Yeah, some pretty crappy things happened to you. And yeah, some people treated you pretty badly, and never did pay for it. And here’s the…

Let go of old feelings and regrets. They will only tie you to the past, and you will not be able to move forward if…

It just happened again. I have been thinking about contacting an old friend I haven’t seen for a while to get together, and I found…

Are you stressing so much about what has to get done that you aren’t enjoying the moment that is happening right now? Are you worrying…

You’ve heard this before, and it’s true. Life is too short for regrets. You don’t know if you have 2 minutes or 20 years left…