Bliss #9
Now that we are about a week in to our Daily Bliss posts, we want to welcome everyone here, and tell you what we’re about.
We are NOT about telling you what your Bliss is or how to find it. Rather, we think that your Bliss is already in you, though you may not have accessed it yet. So we post tips, things to think about, quotations, and other little tidbits that may inspire you and help you to discover and make room for the Bliss that is within you.
Judy and Kristie are the people behind Make Room for Bliss. We offer workshops and are available for speaking engagements under Make Room for Bliss. We also each offer individual life coaching under our separate businesses – Singing Heart for Judy, and Potential Energy, Inc. for Kristie.
We hope that you will find something here that makes you think and helps you get in touch with your Bliss!
Remember to take care of yourself, you are SO worth it!