Daily Bliss #20150803

Some days are good, some not so much. I don’t want to spend my “not so much” days moaning and complaining to people about how crappy I feel or how bad it is. And I also don’t want to spend my time trying to pretend that everything is okay when it clearly is not. I deal with this by having some very good and close friends who understand that I sometimes need to vent. They let me talk and complain, don’t try to fix things or offer suggestions unless I ask for them, and then when I am done it is over and they let it go which helps me to let it go. I will always be grateful for these people in my life, and I strive to BE that person for someone else. Sometimes the only thing people need is someone to let them talk and really hear them. Can you be that person for someone?

Daily Bliss #20150803