What if…

My brain likes to play the “What if…” game at the worst hours. There are times when it wakes me up at 3:00  a.m. and starts the game with something like,”What if something goes wrong?” or, “What if you can’t do it?” Other common variations are, “What if you get sick?” or, “What if things never get better?” There are a million things that my brain can come up with, and I can’t figure out if they are meant to keep me safe or scare me to death! I have recently decided that this doesn’t work for me, so I am trying something different now. I have decided that I can play the “What if…” game to my advantage, instead of to my disadvantage. So now when my brain starts the questions, I counter with my own questions: “What if things go perfectly?” “What if I do this brilliantly?” “What if this is exactly what I am looking for?” Of course there are many more; I can change them to fit the specific situation. The point is that I do not have to be a slave to a game I don’t like; I can change the game or quit altogether. Countering with my own more upbeat questions is working for me right now, and my goal is to get to the point where I can quit altogether. Does your brain do this to you, and how to you deal with it?

Daily Bliss #20160126